In article >,
"Giusi" > wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> she's
> >> been doing it for years and teaching it for years and no complaints yet,
> >> so
> >> have a STAB.
> >
> > So are you telling me that I shouldn't buy the pre-packaged gnocchi I
> > see in the supermarket? :-) And, Judithy, I like "kitchen Nazis."
> > Some dishes deserve to be kept true to their origin.
> They aren' really very good, are they? I once deep fried them for an
> experiment and served them with a dip of Gorgonzola and that was sorta OK.
> Nothing is as good as tiny, light as a feather homemade. Judy claims hers
> come out that way. But then she also like octopus, so ...?
> I continue to fight the war and hold up under the barrage of faster, easier,
> cheaper. Are you coming to DC to see us?
I've never bought them -- too scary.
DC, as in our nation's capital? Probably not. When are you going to be
there. I'm going to Hawaii.
Barb, September 5, 2011