The wine is designed to end up sweet. That is one of the things the F-Pack
does. If you did not want it to be sweet it is going to be a little tricky
getting it going again now that it is stabilized. You might be able to get
a real strong starter going and then use the volume doubling method of
introducing it to your wine. With this method, after getting the starter
going you add an equal volume of your wine to the starter. After a few
hours when you see that it picks up again, you double its volume again. Do
this until it is all going. It may be a slow ferment from here on out.
Or you could keep it the way it was intended, sweet.
"Dr. Richard E. Hawkins" > wrote in message
> A week or two ago (two, I think) I added the F-pack to a Brewking white
> zinfindel. It began burbling again, and stopped several days ago.
> I brought it downstairs saturday night to settle, and for some reason
> actually checked the gravity before bottling.
> 1.000 ???
> I never had a beer not ferment out. I tasted some, and it's definitely
> sweet.
> Will time do this, or do I need to hit it with more yeast?
> hawk
> --
> Richard E. Hawkins, Asst. Prof. of Economics /"\ ASCII ribbon
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