Cooking for one? Or more?
sf wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 20:43:53 -0800 (PST), merryb >
> wrote:
>> Does Mr. Ester like liver? If so,
>> do you cook it for him, or is that one of the things he orders when
>> you go out?
> I would think so. Now that hubby has gout and won't take the magic
> pill for it. He controls his gout by eliminating what triggers it
> from his diet; so I order shellfish for me when we eat out.
My husband has gout too. I know what sort of diet he should follow. His
dad had it and I used to cook for him. Alas my husband's favorite foods are
the worst ones for it and he is the opposite of yours. Prefers to eat what
he wants and take the pill. Which doesn't seem to work at all.