skin em alive?
RichD wrote:
> I've been eating winter vegetables lately,
> novel for me; rutabagas, parsnips, turnips.
> The problem is, it's laborious peeling them,
> I'm lazy and lack patience.
> Question: is it necessary to peel them, if
> they're going to get cooked anyhow? i.e. steaming,
> almost always. Is there any problem with leaving
> the skin, eat the whole veggie?
To me turnip and rutabagas skins taste very nasty, and rutabagas skins
have a very tough texture. Both are cruciferous vegetables members of
the same group as cabbage so the entire plant can be eaten so it's only
an issue of flavor and texture not a health issue.
Parsnips are one of my few very strong food dislikes so I would not try
them with skins. My best guess is since they have thin skins like
carrots you won't be able to tell that the skin was not removed. I most
applications I can't tell if the skin was removed from a carrot as far
as flavor and texture is concerned, just an appearance issue.