In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> In article >,
> (Judy Haffner) wrote:
> > If you have tried food that has been pickled, tell us about it.
> >
> > Judy
> I've pickled vegetables and fruit. I have posted recipes here.
> I have fermented cabbage to make sauerkraut, but with only moderate
> success.
We've been doing a lot of picking this year.
My husband has made several batches of refrigerator pickles.
We've also done pickled beets and picklds red onions and giardiniera
which were all really, really good. We did give sauerkraut a try and it
was just ok.
Now there's a jar of preserved lemons hanging out in the fridge. Not
exactly a pickle though.
Several years back we took a canning class and did pickled peaches.
They were good but a little too many cloves in there for my taste. We
haven't repeated those.