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merryb merryb is offline
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Default Hideous accident

On Jan 27, 8:40*pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On Fri, 27 Jan 2012 11:12:13 -0800, Julie Bove wrote:

> >> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
> >>> On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 22:59:42 -0800, Julie Bove wrote:

> >>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
> >>>>> On Wed, 25 Jan 2012 19:43:46 -0800, Julie Bove wrote:

> >>>>>> He thinks I shouldn't buy presliced apples just because *he* can
> >>>>>> buy cheap apples at some cheapass store where he lives. *We have no
> >>>>>> such
> >>>>>> store and if I want to buy pre-slices apples, I will!

> >>>>> Well, I agree with him there. *Where can you buy pre-sliced apples
> >>>>> that you can't buy whole apples? *Even 7-11 sells apples probably for
> >>>>> less than sliced apples at the grocery store.

> >>>>> It's impossible for me to accept the idea that there is a store that
> >>>>> sells sliced apples, but not whole apples. *My upscale grocer has 29
> >>>>> different kinds of apples in stock today. *My regular grocer had 9
> >>>>> different kinds.

> >>>>>> I might complain
> >>>>>> about the price of food overall, but you've never heard me
> >>>>>> complaining
> >>>>>> about
> >>>>>> the price of pre-sliced or any other apples.

> >>>>> <boggle>

> >>>> I don't want whole apples. *The peel sticks in my teeth. *Nobody in the
> >>>> house will eat whole ones. *Yeah I can slice them but I don't like to
> >>>> do
> >>>> that. *They are sticky and then I have to wash the slicer. *And then I
> >>>> have
> >>>> to dispose of the core which means using a biobag. *Also in order for
> >>>> them
> >>>> to be portable I have to put something on them to treat them so they
> >>>> don't
> >>>> go brown. *And we almost always take the sliced apples with us.

> >>>> I can get the presliced apples in portable bags at Costco. *I can get
> >>>> them
> >>>> for less in a large bag at Winco. *But if I get them there, sometimes
> >>>> they
> >>>> are close to expiring. *I can get smaller packages at other stores and
> >>>> I
> >>>> often do have a coupon for them. *Once in a while I can combine a
> >>>> coupon
> >>>> with a doubler making them free or close to free.

> >>>> These are what we like. *So why should it be up to someone else to take
> >>>> stabs at me because we like them?

> >>> You said had no such store to buy cheap apples ("cheaper than sliced",
> >>> was assumed). *And now the sounds coming from your violin are getting
> >>> even smaller.

> >> He was claiming he had some store where he could get a huge bag of whole
> >> apples for 99 cents or some such thing. *He was telling me to do the
> >> same.
> >> I have no such store here. *He was claiming if he could buy them for that
> >> price, I could too. *That's how this whole thing started. *It was in
> >> another
> >> newsgroup. *I wasn't complaining about the price of apples. *I just
> >> mentioned the sliced ones for some reason and now I can't even remember
> >> why.
> >> But he started attacking me for buying sliced ones when whole ones were
> >> cheaper. *I then pointed out to him that with the price in this area that
> >> I
> >> have to pay for whole apples, the sliced ones weren't that much more
> >> expensive. *He hasn't let it go and I don't think he ever will.

> > You live in... Washington state?

> Yes. *Where we have apples aplenty. *But not necessarily for less money than
> in other states unless you want to go to Eastern Washington and pick your
> own. *We have done that when I was a kid. *And I did have an apple tree in
> the backyard. *Well it is still there but my husband had the gardener prune
> it in such a way so that it will not produce. *He didn't like my making
> applesauce because he said canning is what the cheap cheaps do.

No, it's what smart people do- your husband is an idiot! When you can
your own stuff, you are in total control of what is put in there as
oppossed to the dregs that you can end up with.