"Matt Lobegeiger" > wrote in message
> Hi everyone,
> I want to buy a manual, stainless steel pasta machine/maker. Lot's of
> american online stores carry Villaware and Arcosteel brands for between 30
> and 50 US dollars. I can't find any online store in Australia that carries
> them. I'd buy one from an American shop but shipping would cost about 3
> times the cost of the machine. Can anyone help?
> I've seen them in Robins Kitchen shops (not online) but only as big sets
> with all the attachements for $180 AUD. Robins online shop doesn't seem to
> functioning yet.
> Any ideas?
> thanks very much
> matt
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Does it really have to be on-line? The only one I know of is HomeDirect or
somesuch which has the Marcato Atlas (which I have) for $164!!! That's way
more than I paid for it. I've even seen them in Coles in the Deli section
on the shelves on the wall at the back for way less than that.
Hoges in WA
Remove the zeds.