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Bryan[_6_] Bryan[_6_] is offline
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Default Hey Bryan! You'd be proud of me!

On Jan 27, 3:49*pm, John Kuthe > wrote:
> I made my usual meat sauce with 1/2 a pattie of ground beef, a chopped
> Roma tomato, 4 or 5 mushrooms kinda cooked together and put on top of
> about 1/3 cup of cheap Schnuck's 0.89 cent a can pasta sauce (and more
> cooking), but instead of linguini I sliced up 3 bell peppers and
> sauteed them in a little EVOO and put my meat sauce over that!
> MmmmmMMMM!!
> I'm thinkin' of low carbing it to lose 20 or so lbs, but what am I
> gonna do with my pot of rice I just cooked up, and the XL sourdough
> loaf I just bought fromSTL BreadCo? Not to mention all my leftover
> Christmas Candy! ;-)

Eat the bread and candy, and don't feel like you can't. You've never
been really fat, so it'd be silly to go to extremes. I'd toss the
rice right away, but that's just me. Pick a day to start after you
have eaten your stores of candy. The switch from "my cells primarily
burn glucose" to "my cells primarily burn ketones" is not enjoyable.
Your body screams, "I'M STARVING!" After 3-5 days of severe carb
restriction, your body is pretty screamed out, like a toddler whose
tantrum has de-escalated to a whimper. After you lose the 20, you
experiment and figure out how much bread and candy you can have w/o
putting fat back on. Think of carbs as treats, never as staples. The
idea of choosing rice or potatoes as a treat seems silly, and it is.
Thirty grams of carbs from a chocolate bar or some high quality crusty
bread is the same as 30g from rice or potatoes. Wasting those carbs
on tasteless white starch is absurd. Say you grill some bratwursts.
You eat 2 of them without buns. You just saved as many carbs as are
in FIFTEEN dark chocolate Hershey's kisses (or the equivalent higher
quality chocolate). Chocolate vs. hot dog buns? It's laughable, but
most folks seem to think that the hot dog buns are a more responsible
> John Kuthe...
