On 5/17/04 4:48 PM, in article
, "Ray"
> wrote:
> If you are getting high octane from strawberries it is because you are using
> too much sugar. Try cutting back considerably on you next batch. Use a
> hydrometer and aim for 11-12%.
> Now, what to do with it. Sweeten it up. If it is a little flat after
> sweetening, add a bit of acid. Sweet wines call for more acid to balance
> them out. Then serve it as a desert wine. If you really want to go off the
> deep end and serve a great strong flavored desert strawberry wine -- after
> you have sweetened and adjusted it, then serve it half and half with cream.
> Strawberry wine and cream! You will be amazed!
> Ray
The other thing you could do is blend it with a lower alcohol wine. I would
consider rhubarb as an option.
Greg Cook
(remove spamblocker from my email)