Peanut oil appearance
Dave Smith wrote:
> On 03/02/2012 12:45 PM, Mark Thorson wrote:
> > Note that peanut oil is high in saturated fat
> > compared to most other vegetable oils (but still
> > much lower than coconut oil). This makes it a
> > good frying oil, but it's atherogenic (bad for
> > your arteries).
> It is not that bad. It is a little higher than other relatively cheap
> and available oils, like olive, corn or sunflower oil, or safflower. It
> is a lot lower than margarine, lard, butter, palm oil or coconut oil.
I was pretty sure you were wrong, but I just
checked Wikipedia and you're right. It's only
a little bit higher in saturated fat -- an
insignificant amount.
I thought I was accurately remembering the fat
percentages I've seen on the labels of vegetable
oils, but I wasn't -- unless they've changed the
way saturated fat is measured in the last 30 years.