kenny wrote:
> I would like to produce 200 gallons of wine each year and do
> it from my own grape vines. I have the land but was
> wondering how many grape vines I need to plant.
> I live in Lufkin TX in the eastern part of Texas.
> I have 5 grape vines of table grapes and they do wonderfully
> so I know my piece of heaven will grow grapes.
> I just dont want to under plant. I figure I will plant a
> few extra for the lean years but this is just a hobby for
> now.
> Thanks Kenny
It depends on the variety and a LOT of other variables but I think if you
use the assumption that it takes about 15 pounds of grapes to make a gallon
of wine (could be anywhere from 12 to 15) and that a good vine after about
5 years can provide about 10 - 12 pounds of fruit, you will get a "ball
park" figure. Of course, you may get more than 10 pounds per vine but
these are "Ball park" numbers. So - to get about 200 gallons on wine think
200 gallons will require about - 200 gallons X 15 pounds per gallon = 3000
pounds of grapes. 3000 pounds / 10 pounds per vine = 300 vines.
This is based on the assumption that you have about 4 - 6 feet between vines
and about 7 - 10 feet between rows.
If you have the ground, I would recommend choosing the larger number between
vines and rows. If you have excessive vigor, you can control it by
allowing each vine more room and having a larger number of canes per vine.
Also think about a divided canopy such as a Lyre, Scott Henry or Geneva
Double Curtain trellising system. I think that in East Texas you WILL have
excessive vigor.
Your results may vary.
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