Hindu Goddesses of War
On Feb 7, 2:23*pm, arah > wrote:
> Let me share a precious story about the first revelation received by
> our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w happened in Hira’ Cave. The Gabriel
> came and said to Muhammad: Read! And Muhammad said: I cannot read.
> After that, the Gabriel asks Muhammad to read again in 3 times.
> Finally, he felt so scare and exhausted. Thus, the Gabriel hugs Him to
> calm our Prophet.
I asked many questions. You answered not one. Let me focus on one.
How do you know it was Gabriel Mohammad spoke to? How did Mohammad
know it was Gabriel? How did he verify that? Do you know that Mohammad
thought it was a ghost and it was *Khadija* suggested it could be
Anyway God did not ever speak to Mohammad. So claiming Koran is from
God is false
Secondly what about ma malakat aymanukum sanctioning sexual abuse of
captured nonmuslim women in war?
Just focus on these and I will ask for the rest later. Dont evade