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Default How many gallons of wine to a grape vine?

On Mon, 31 May 2004 05:00:57 GMT, (Doug
Miller) wrote:

>In article >, kenny > wrote:
>>I would like to produce 200 gallons of wine each year and do
>>it from my own grape vines.


Ya know I never really thought of it that way.
I guess I am a little excessive compulsive in my hobbies.
In one year I would make all the wine I need for the next 5
years of course the next year I still have 200 gallons of
wine to deal with.
I will rethink what I really need to plant adjusted to what
I think I will drink in a year.
THen again if the wine is good 200 gallons may not be enough

This wine is all for me and only me maybe a small glass to
the family but no more .

>Leaving aside for the moment any discussion of how many vines you need to
>plant... what are you planning to do with 200 gallons of wine per year? You do
>know, I hope, that it's illegal to sell home-produced wine; technically, it's
>not even legal to give it away. Are you really intending to drink _two_quarts_

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