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Default question on topping up

Why not try it out on a small scale first? My bet is you will not
notice any difference and can safely go ahead.

"Stephen SG" > wrote in message >...
> How big is the gap?
> Stephen SG
> "santos" > wrote in message
> ...
> | I just finished racking 2 carboys of red wine and have none available to
> top
> | up with and would like to top them without having to add water, as I tried
> | that in the past and ended up with a weak result... I do have some white
> | wine that i can use easily, but I am wondering if it will effect the taste
> | much? or if there are any other reaosns it would not be suitable? At
> worst
> | I'll break down and buy a bottle of red tommorow but with the white being
> | ready at hand seemed like an easy fix... any suggestions?
> |
> |
> |