"Stephen SG" > wrote in message
> How big is the gap?
> Stephen SG
the gap is about 2 inches from the bottom of the neck, so it needs to be
raised up about 2 inches so that it is only a small surface, right now it is
close to the entire top surface... as for the suggestion of spring water, i
have tried this before with white wine and found that it ended up giving
more of a watered-down taste then i would have liked, i may attempt the
white wine top up on one of the bottles and see, i dot think there will be
much of a difference as the red certainly has alot more body and taste than
the much lighter white, but was curious if there were any known problems in
mixing the two together... the siggestion about the marbles was a good idea,
tho i'd have to go buy those also, and if thats the case i may as well buy
some red wine

also i'd hate to have to mess with them in the sludge
later. I'll post results before bottling to see how things go, thanks
everyone for the replies.