On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 08:20:55 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>> > >On Feb 12, 1:53 am, Sqwertz wrote:
>> > >> He's just jealous of the picture of the breakfast I made and posted.
>> >
>> > >>http://www.flickr.com/photos/7275891...8981/lightbox/
>> >
>> > >> He turned into a blubbering idiot when he saw that. Obviously I can
>> > >> make a fine hollandaise sauce and I never said anything to the
>> > >> contrary.
>> >
>> > >> -sw
>Ok Steve.... I've got to ask. Was that pic really yours or something
>scanned from a cookbook? eheheh It just looks so photo-shoot perfect for a
>home pic.
Give him the link to your Caprese salad, Steve.
>The eggs are so perfect, the sauce is spooned perfectly around the yolks and
>on the plate, then also the perfect plating and background and even the
>lighting is perfect.
In some thread a while back he said he wasn't a 'visual' person. Yeah,