I can't get this to load on XP professional. Any advice.
"Stephen SG" > wrote in message
> see what you can do with this.
> Stephen SG Not my programme
> I began writing this program in 2000; when I noticed that there were no
> programs out there that I liked to manage the winemaking/brewing process.
> had been keeping scraps of paper with all of my notes on them in a
> sometimes forgetting what they meant.
> This software is written in Visual Basic 6 which uses an ACCESS® database
> the backend. You do not need Access installed to use this software as all
> of the database calls are done programmatically.
> Please feel free to download this program and try it out. I am open to
> suggestions and bugs. I will work to correct any bugs and supply a new
> executable ASAP
> www.chadandtrish.com/winelog/WineLog.zip
> Please submit bugs to
> "Martin Olesen" > wrote in message
> om...
> | I am looking for a freeware or shareware electronic winemaking log.
> | Preferably a windows program.
> |
> | I haven't had any luck so far looking on the net.
> |
> | Does anyone have a good reference?
> |
> | regards,
> | Martin Olesen
> | Denmark