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Squirts and his posts
Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 09:03:49 -0500, Jim Elbrecht wrote:
>> On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 08:20:55 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>>> Ok Steve.... I've got to ask. Was that pic really yours or something
>>> scanned from a cookbook? eheheh It just looks so photo-shoot perfect for a
>>> home pic.
> Of course they're mine <pbbbt>. Along with all these rest of these:
> (The recent menudo pics are not supposed to be there - I uploaded
> those for somebody else then deleted them but for some reason they're
> still there)
> You can also subscribe to the "daily journal", AKA,
> I generally post all my pictures there, and others do as well. Not
> necessarily on the website above - that's mostly just for sharing
> pictures here, or on Yelp or Chowhound. Sometimes I'll post pics to
> the facebook RFC page as well - gotta throw them a bone every once in
> a while.
> My breakfast shots are usually best. Taken around 10:am when the
> light is usually perfect. Here's yesterdays breakfast, for example:
> JD Sage Sausge, eggs, Italian cheese blend, and an ancho chipotle
> sauce.
>> Give him the link to your Caprese salad, Steve.
> Hrmm. The only thing close to a caprese salad are these two which I
> just uploaded.
> The mozzarella in the first picture I made myself from whole milk.
>> In some thread a while back he said he wasn't a 'visual' person. Yeah,
>> right.<g>
> I'm not, really. I may take a little more care in assembly and
> presentation if I think it can be made photo-worthy, but my first
> priorty is eating tasty food (while it's still hot, if applicable).
> My second priority is cooking/making it properly. And my third
> priority is taking a photo of it (if I choose to). If the pictures
> come out good, sobeit. But I'm not going to chase the perfect picture
> while I'm hungry. I've posted some pretty lousy pictures to ABF, but
> as with all my pictures, they are for inspiration - not there to win
> any photography awards.
> Plenty of times I've been cruising ABF, RFC, or someplace else on the
> web and I see something that I can make or something that gives me an
> idea to make something similar and I'll be down in the kitchen 3
> minutes later or it has been jotted down in my mental grocery list.
> The quality of the picture (if any - it may just be a text post) has
> no effect on my decision and motivation to make something.
> -sw
Maybe someday you'll inspire me. That brekky looked great!
I am going through your back photos and see the label on the
pupae... Frozen Ground Cucumber?!
Jean B.