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Default Low Carb? "Splenda"?


Welcome to the group! Lots of great info and even better people then any
other NG I've been a part of.

Do a Google search of the archives of the group, theres been a number of
posts on these sweetners in the last year. The jist of it is its too early
to tell. As far as immediate impact the difference in the wines seem to be
negligible. But the bigger question is long term stability. Wines are
meant to age so the real truth will come out over time. I believe Jack
Keller is testing a number of these new sweetners as I type. Results will
surely come out over time. BTW his website devoted to this hobby is its a great resource.

In the mean time I am not "dumping" this into my wines at bottling time but
rather sweeting at serving time if needed. I would hate to loose 40-50
bottles of something down the road. So I await Jacks test results!



"keny mac" > wrote in message
> New to your newsgroup! Looking foward to it!
> Long time fresh fruits & concentrate maker!
> New to "Wine Kit" making, love the simplicity, but to controled and to
> sweet!!
> Just wondering if any of you guys tried "Splenda" as a sweetener?? Its
> made from sugar without the bad stuff, carbs and cals....
> I have recently, with one of the merlot dry kits. So far so good. At
> the finish stage I blended a 2 lb box of "Splenda" and today is the
> bottling day. Before I do I would appreciate any input.
> We are doing the Low Carb with lots of success. Two of the products of
> a good low carb diet that we enjoy is cheese and wine.
> Dumping all that sugar (carbs) at the finish stage just kills the
> diet.
> Thanks