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Doug Miller
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Default Low Carb? "Splenda"?

In article > , "Ray" > wrote:
>No carbs come from alcohol. Cal's, yes, but no carbs. It depends on what
>you are counting.

Not according to an article that was in my newspaper a few days ago.

Counting carbs and not calories is plain silly too, by the way.
>I contacted the Splenda people and they would not recommend using splenda in
>wine. It seemed like such a good idea,too.

Not to this boy, it doesn't. Yes, it's sweet, and yes, it tastes better than
aspartame and waaaay better than saccharin, but it doesn't taste like sugar,
and doesn't have the same mouth feel either. It's a poor substitute,

If your wines are improved by adding Splenda... I'd say you need to start
making better wine. :-)

>It seems that splenda is
>basically sugar bound to a substance that prevents the sugar molecule from
>being broken down so it passes through the body before it is used. Given
>time, however, it will break down in liquid form and the sugar part will
>become just that -- sugar. If you add it to unstabalized wine, it may break
>down and start fermenting. Given time it will break down and then it will
>become fattening.
>If you want sweet, low carb wine, use splenda to sweeten it when you open
>the bottle.


And if you want low-calorie wine -- forget it. There's no such thing.
>"Doug Miller" > wrote in message
>> In article >,

(keny mac) wrote:
>> >New to your newsgroup! Looking foward to it!
>> >
>> >Long time fresh fruits & concentrate maker!
>> >
>> >New to "Wine Kit" making, love the simplicity, but to controled and to
>> >sweet!!
>> >
>> >Just wondering if any of you guys tried "Splenda" as a sweetener?? Its
>> >made from sugar without the bad stuff, carbs and cals....
>> >

>> Sweetening wine with Splenda instead of sugar to cut down on carbs and
>> calories is just plain silly -- the vast majority of the carbs and

>calories in
>> wine come from the alcohol.


Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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