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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default cooking chicken problems

Judy Haffner wrote:
> Doug wrote:
>>Undercooked chicken is tough, chewy
>> and stringy. If it's still got some pink in it
>> I know my teeth are in for a battle to get
>> the stuff off the bone followed by a
>> battle with the tooth pick to get the
>> strings out from between my teeth.
>> Pass. The reason we bought the nuke is
>> so I could take the rare bird put on the
>> table by my MIL who thought it was
>> great that way and actually cook it until
>> it was easy to eat. Now that she's dead
>> the bird stays in the oven longer and it's
>> not only easier to chew it tastes better.
>> In other words I disagree with you and
>> my experience runs the opposite of your
>> post.

> I didn't say to UNDERcook chicken so it would be more tender. I clearly
> stated it is best if not OVERcooked, as with any meat, or seafood, if it
> is overcooked, it is not top quality fare.

Your first post stated some pink still being near the bone. Definitely
undercooked and not good. Your favoring undercooked chicken does not
mean I favor overcooked chicken.

> Maybe you're just use to overcooked poultry, so prefer it as such?

No. Undercooked and overcooked are both problematic.

It would seem that you cook birds like my MIL did. Rare, tough, chewy,
stringy and loving it that way. Tastes vary and you're welcome to do it
that way. I still have the nuke if I need to eat your raw stringy
chicken at some point.