What seasonings and spices do you use the most when you are cooking and
baking? You're bound to have some favorite flavors that enhance food
preparation in your kitchen?
What are some of the ways you use them?
Are there some you don't care for and never use?
I like most every seasoning I've ever tried, but one I never use is
tarragon, as just is unpleasant to me. I do like most everything else in
certain dishes. I find too that a little curry goes a long way, as does
oregano (as far as my personal taste buds go) and yet I like the
enhancement both bring to food, but just don't care for it overpowering.
I'm especially fond of basil, sage, dry mustard, garlic powder, chili
powder, cumin, dill seed & weed, fennel, lemon pepper, paprika, thyme
and really like seasoned salt and seasoned pepper too. Just way too many
to name.
For my baking, I use cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves often.
Anyway, let's discuss...and "spice" up our lives!