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I'm back on the laptop I'm back on the laptop is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 927
Default Scalloped Santoku Knife

Barry Lindin > wrote in

> "I'm back on the laptop" > wrote in
> :
>> I have been lusting after one for quite some time, and have broached
>> the subject with the SO, but always got the same reply........ "You
>> have a drawer full of expensive knives, what's this one got that the
>> others don't??"
>> So down in Tassie, I found some for a good deal, and have brought
>> them back home. It's a starting point. I'll let the SO into the
>> kitchen over the weekend to do some prep work and start her off with
>> my old knives, then give her the SSK :-)
>> Of course, I'm going to choose prep work that is going to cause the
>> veges etc, to stick to the old knives ;-)
>> Then, I'll give her the SSK and see what she thinks.
>> After that..........

>> t oku- Knife-17cm.aspx

> AHAAAA. you really are a house bitch. that must really grate the rait
> there eh mate? having to *ask* the s.o if you can buy a freaking

As a pathetic troll, you are 'allowed' your infantile little fantasy.

The rest of us can see that you are a lonely little 'man', and therefore
have no understanding of a relationship.

While you sit there in your **** stained tracky daks, in your rat
infested trailer park home, knowing full well that the only
'relationship' you have is with some skanky toothless 'visitor' that you
always have to pay to be there...... you will never know what it's like
to be in a loving relationship.

Yes, I even call myself the 'house bitch'....... and as my SO works, it
is ny 'duty' to look after her, as I have been retired these last 12

It's obvious you are alone, because you seem to think you are the be all
to end all in a relationship.
LOL!! Which is why you'll die alone.

You see, numpty..... we've just bought a rural property, and after such
a large outlay of our joint savings, I feel it is only right that I get
the SO's input into any purchase that I feel is a 'need'.... but it
probably isn't.

Now toddle off troll.......... and just know that when you die alone,
sometime soon, no-one here is even going to remember you.

