sf > wrote in
> On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 13:23:43 +0000 (UTC), "I'm back on the laptop"
> > wrote:
>> I have been lusting after one for quite some time, and have broached
>> the subject with the SO, but always got the same reply........ "You
>> have a drawer full of expensive knives, what's this one got that the
>> others don't??"
>> So down in Tassie, I found some for a good deal, and have brought
>> them back home. It's a starting point. I'll let the SO into the
>> kitchen over the weekend to do some prep work and start her off with
>> my old knives, then give her the SSK :-)
>> Of course, I'm going to choose prep work that is going to cause the
>> veges etc, to stick to the old knives ;-)
>> Then, I'll give her the SSK and see what she thinks.
> She'll think the new knife is a lot sharper than your other knives.
*All* my knives are as sharp as new.
I absolutely detest anyone who has 'good knives' and doesn't keep them
I even have a mobile 'sharpener dude' who comes around every 3-4 weeks
and gives them all a 'tune up'.
>> After that..........
>> http://www.petersofkensington.com.au...sic-Scalloped-
>> toku- Knife-17cm.aspx
> I have a different brand santoku, but (as I've said many times here) I
> still prefer my chef's knives. I also have a scalloped edge carving
> knife, but I've never figured out why everyone thinks scalloped edges
> so wonderful.
I have seen the difference already, with quite a few different foods.
Potatos don't stick, thinly sliced meat, boiled eggs........ stuff that
used to be a PITA when it stuck to my other knives just falls away when
I use the scalloped knife.
I'm a *definite* convert :-)