On Sat, 25 Feb 2012 07:42:55 -0500, Jim Elbrecht >
>On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 19:17:11 -0500, George M. Middius
> wrote:
>>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>>I hope this does not sound too stupid, but if I went to a major
>>>>>grocery store, would this be something that would be in the cereal
>>>>More likely with the flours, or possibly with oatmeal (cereal).
>>>Almost always with the ethnic foods.
>>Don't listen to this imbecile. He has a compulsion to talk even when
>>his head is completely empty of anything useful.
>Even a blind pig finds the occasional acorn. Maybe it's a NY thing?
>That's where I saw Wolff's Kasha yesterday.
Kasha is definitely an ethnic food, found near the other ethnic grains
in the international foods section. One would find buckwheat flour in
the baking section but not groats.
Kasha is Russian for buckwheat groats... Russia grows more buckwheat
than all the rest of the planet combined... another major Russian crop
is sunflower seeds, they grow more sunflowers than the US grows corn.
There is nothing Jewish about kasha other than it's associated with
the dishes incorporating it with egg bowties (kasha varnishkas) and
kasha k'nishes which are actually Russian recipes. The NY Finger
Lakes area is the buckwheat capital of the US... Birkett Mills has
been in the kasha business for more than 200 years, since long before
any Jews migrated to the US.
Birkett Mills gets most of it's buckwheat by contracting with local
farmers that agree to grow it to their specifications, I've considered
growing buckwheat on my land but I'm not that much of a farmer and
it's too much like growing hay, very messy and very laborious. When I
bought this place all the fields were in hay, I moved in the beginning
of May so watched the hay grow all summer till more than six feet tall
in places. I have lots of pictures of the last haying. Hay is buggy,
noisy, and thick pollen everywhere... and after cutting nothing but
rough stubble to look at... I like my green lawns much better: