Scalloped Santoku Knife
Gary > wrote in :
> I'm back on the laptop wrote:
>>...... and just know that when you die alone,
>> sometime soon, no-one here is even going to remember you.
> Hi Peter the outback fellow.
> Most everyone dies alone and whenever I die, I'll be gone and I really
> won't give a crap if anyone remembers me. Talking to my mom the other
> day, I told her that when I die they can just put out in the dumpster
> to go out with the trash, as far as I'm concerned. It's not
> disrespect, it's just...I'm done with my body, do what you wish with
> the debris.
> Gary
Most normal humans I care for and care about what happens to them. The
pathetic, childish stalker trolls deserve whatever shit life throws at
My SO has already decided that if I croak it before her (highly unlikely!!)
she's oing to have me cremeated and use some of my ashes to make some
Seems there's a place in the US that takes your ashes(carbon) and through
heat and pressure, turns them into gemstones.
I rekon that's pretty cool!! :-)