Digital cookbook recommendations sought
On Sat, 25 Feb 2012 22:08:47 -0800, isw > wrote:
>In article >,
> Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> On Sat, 25 Feb 2012 22:21:01 -0500, Mark Farouk > wrote:
>> >Does anyone know of any cookbook software where you can add your own
>> >recipes to make your own (digital) cookbook?
>> >
>> >I would like to be able to copy and paste recipes I get off the
>> >Internet instead of having to type every word. Maybe even include a
>> >pic of the food which often accompanies online recipes. I don't even
>> >know if such a thing exists.
>> >
>> >Thanks,
>> >Mark
>> I use Word. I have separate files for sausage, cakes, etc to make
>> finding them easier I also have Access so I can put them in the
>> database for simple searching.
>There are a lot of issues with using any sort of text editor for recipes:
Snip them all..
You have gone on to describe a method that works for the way YOU like
to be able to search and sort your recipes. Not everyone need or wants
such a thing. It is a delightful hobby, I'm sure, with the search
capabilities you are using. Enjoy it, but really, I have no use
whatsoever for the assets that you require.
Dear Lord, I have been using 3 huge bookshelves and hundreds of books
for my searches for most of my life and I assure, you, I have no
intention of downloading or uploading the contents of them, even for
I am no Luddite, having 2 desktops, 2 laptops, an iPad and Asus
Android tablet in the very room where I type this, and I have an
extensive collection of recipes in Word that I find easily searchable
for the way I cook and bake here at home and have scans/pdfs of old
family recipes, including granny's margin notes, so the originals
don't get trashed, and I am as familiar with Excel and Access as I was
with their competitors and predecessors from 3 decades ago. But I do
not have my whole collection in digital format. Life is too short and
I'd rather cook. YMMV.
If I seek to use a certain ingredient or methodology, I tend to seek
out the cookbook or author whose expertise I want to use..."what does
so and so do with beef shin" or "how does whatshername make that Swiss
meringue again?"...and though it'd be nice to search a database by
author, I suppose, the pages in those books BETWEEN the recipes are
just as important as the recipes themselves.
But rock is nice that you have found something that handles
things the way you need them, but not everyone needs or even wants a
search engine to separate "sausage" from "sausage gravy" from "sausage
stuffing" from "stuffing sausage." As fewer and fewer things are
printed and we shift more to all digital in the future, it will be
nice to have almost all the cookbooks in digital format, but until
then, at least for me, just having the recipe that way does not give
me full use of my cooking and baking info that is necessary for the