Digital cookbook recommendations sought
On Sun, 26 Feb 2012 08:25:38 -0500, James Silverton
> wrote:
>> Yes, I use MS Word and I can do a quick search for specific ingredients
>> with Google Desktop. However, I can see the value of programs that will
>> adjust the amounts of ingredients for the number of servings.
>> I usually print out the recipe before cooking.
>I noticed a little later that someone likes to cut and paste from the
>'net. May I put in a plug for the free program PlainText that allows
>copying a web page and pasting only the textual material. This save a
>lot of editing and you can define a key combination to run the program
>and paste at the same time. For example, I use CTRL-0.
Many recipes have a 'print recipe' option. If you click on that you
get a plain text version that is clean to copy.
Janet US