Where did the term "Buffalo Chicken" come from?
On 25/02/2012 11:21 AM, Jerry Avins wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3:18:29 PM UTC-5, (unknown) wrote:
> ...
>> Oddly enough few people seem to know about this. A local Hardees sells
>> them, and I asked several of the workers the reason, no one knew.
> What did you expect? I was interviewed by telephone last night about where I shopped for food. When I mentioned Garden State Farm Market, the interviewer asked me how to spell it. It took three tries to get "garden" right.
A couple years ago I had to call tech support. The guy had such a thick
accent I could hardly understand him. I was looking all over the
monitor for the Castle icon. I asked him many times to clarify it
because I couldn't see any damned castles. I eventually realized he was
saying Cancel.