OT Statins
On 1/03/2012 1:33 AM, Bull wrote:
> In >,
> John > wrote:
>> On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 04:54:11 -0800 (PST), Bryan
>> > wrote:
>>> On Feb 28, 10:45 pm, John > wrote:
>> ...
>>>> In the time you have worked continuously as a janitor,
>>>> I have achieved 3 Bachelor's degrees in two very advanced technical
>>>> areas (enginerring and nursing) and worked 7 years for IBM in my
>>>> second career, while you continue to live primarily off your wife's
>>>> income?
>>> She does make more money than me. I made the overwhelming majority of
>>> the money the first seven years we were together. She was interested
>>> in a career that required graduate school, and we put our eggs into
>>> that basket. The school I went to was primarily because I'm
>>> interested in knowing things. I might not have a lot of earning
>>> potential, but I've never been unable to get a job. I have paid off
>>> every cent of student debt. You know, that debt that can't be
>>> discharged by bankruptcy.
>> Yes I know that, but you did not answer my question. If you are so
>> smart, why do you have NO college degrees? I've got 3 and you've got
>> ZERO! You didn't even finish high scool, and had to get a GED. As I
>> told a friend's daughter at the Super Bowl party I went to "High
>> school is not that darned hard!" (and she laughed!)
>> Stick to the question! Or mnaybe that's why you have no college
>> degrees: inability to stay on task!
>> John Kuthe...
> A MONKEY can get a college degree. You've proven that! -- and you
> didn't learn anything to boot X 3.
That depends on the course but John certainly has proven something.
Maybe his degrees are those you can buy over the counter in places like
India? I personally don't think he even has one degree, much less 3.