Thread: OT Statins
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Krypsis Krypsis is offline
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Default OT Statins

On 1/03/2012 4:42 AM, Goomba wrote:
> On 2/29/12 10:02 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
>> On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 08:33:37 -0600, > wrote:
>> ...
>>> A MONKEY can get a college degree. You've proven that! -- and you
>>> didn't learn anything to boot X 3.
>>> BULL

>> Apparentky NOT! For with all his inteligence, Bryan only has a GED
>> high school equivalncy education!
>> What kind of higher education institutuions award degrees to BULLs?
>> John Kuthe...

> Google will even hire someone with a GED. Do you consider them to have
> lower intelligence?
> What did you do at IBM again? Did Big Blue let you go because you didn't
> fit in?

Google will hire talented people. A degree or any other formal education
is unimportant. It's what they can DO that counts most. Several people
went through the ranks at my department without a degree. Needed to pass
the public service exam to gain entry however. I didn't begin to attain
my degrees until I was in my late twenties and I started with the public
service at age 15.

Anyone who professes to have 3 degrees in disparate disciplines yet
cannot get appropriate level employment in ANY of those fields needs to
be regarded with some degree of skepticism and distrust. In the past I
have interviewed many candidates for employment and the most common
reason for rejection of a candidate, even though the skill set and
experience was exemplary, was a criminal background or other dishonest
practices such as faked credentials.

I still think, if he does have 3 degrees, that they were purchased, not
earned. Failing that, one can only assume he is a moron.

