Thread: OT Statins
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Bryan[_6_] Bryan[_6_] is offline
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Default OT Statins

On Feb 29, 2:12*pm, John Kuthe > wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 10:42:03 -0800 (PST), Bryan
> > wrote:
> ...
> >Three misspellings in one paragraph. *Are you trying to look stupid or
> >just sloppy?

> >> John Kuthe...

> >--Bryan

> Spelling flames are the lowest of the low on the Internet.

An occasional typo is one thing, but being sloppy enough to type
paragraphs riddled with misspellings means there's something wrong.
> But that's what I can expect I suppose from a JANITOR!

An employed Janitor with no student loan debt. I really do hope you
get a nursing job, John. Just because you're going through one of
your little psycho-asshole periods doesn't mean I wish you ill, but
you don't improve your chances when you make yourself look both anti-
intellectual and very dislikable to anyone who Googles you, and these
days that's standard practice. You're way too smart not to realize
all that, and it was the same foolish thing you did the other time,
shooting off your mouth on the internet. Pointing out what you
perceive as my personality flaws took presidence over taking care of
your reputation. That's seriously misplaced priorities.

I understand that I'm underemployed, and that the one tangible thing
that my college classes led to was a band that never made money, and a
single and an album that sold very few copies. My associate in arts
and my junior year at U of Missouri-STL prepared me for one thing, The
Bonobos. I am quite pleased with that. The band was certainly
danceable--something you can't deny--and said a lot of what I felt
needed to be said, and the whole experience is to me well worth
everything that I put into it.
> John Kuthe...
