Digital cookbook recommendations sought
Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Feb 2012 22:21:01 -0500, Mark Farouk > wrote:
>> Does anyone know of any cookbook software where you can add your own
>> recipes to make your own (digital) cookbook?
>> I would like to be able to copy and paste recipes I get off the
>> Internet instead of having to type every word. Maybe even include a
>> pic of the food which often accompanies online recipes. I don't even
>> know if such a thing exists.
>> Thanks,
>> Mark
> I use Word. I have separate files for sausage, cakes, etc to make
> finding them easier I also have Access so I can put them in the
> database for simple searching.
> There are a few versions of recipe software available, but I've not
> tried them.
I also use word. I have hundreds of files. The only benefit I
see in a dedicated program is that it would be a lot easier to
find recipes.
Jean B.