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Giusi[_3_] Giusi[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 58
Default does it really Taste Better the next day?

On Mar 1, 4:18*pm, marco > wrote:
> I think some of you are automatically responding,
> without really giving it much thought.
> My contention is, it's not the food,
> it's you/me that are in a different psychological
> state, and the food tastes different. Maybe better,
> but [again] it's not necessarily the food.
> We've all heard "it tastes better the next day"
> and sort of go along with it, and say it.
> Not many of you seem to be absorbing this idea,
> and responding to this concept.
> Sure, I could be totally wrong,
> but I'd like to follow through with this idea,
> and get thoughts on it, specifically.
> marc

Sorry, I think I know my own mind about foods. The things I think are
better are better to me. I am not contemplating my navel, I am a cook
and it is necessary that I know this. Yes, you are wrong, I agree.
No one said EVERYTHING was better.