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notbob wrote:
> On 2012-03-01, Steve Pope > wrote:
>>(Granted sturgeon are monster big fish, and you could probably
>>cut one at any angle and still end up with a huge slab of fish,
>>and it may not be apparent how originally you cut it up.)
> I was thinking "fillet", as in fillet flesh away from the skeleton.
> Wiki and my dictionary reveal my folly. Since true sturgeon are
> cartilaginous and have no bones, any cut could be correctly termed a
> fillet. My late FIL used to routinely catch, clean, and smoke the
> sturgeon native to the SFBA Delta. After he passed on, I often bought
> sturgeon from markets, mongers, etc, now loving fresh sturgeon. He,
> and everyone else I've dealt with, always cross-cut the fish. Also,
> I've never seen/heard the term fillet advertised or referred to. YMMV
> nb
Has the OP responded to the question of how they want to cook it, whole
or ... cut up 