American Cheese
David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
>>>Good cheddar, I find, doesn't melt well at all, and is nothing like what
>>>I want in a grilled cheese sandwich.
>> You must have a strange daffynishion of "good cheddar".
>Well-aged sharp cheddar; a widely available quite decent example is the
>Canadian Black Diamond.
I haven't tried melting that one, but several others melt well.
Cabot's Super-Sharp and a sort-of generic one I got at HT (from ANCO
in N.J.) are two examples. But I melt it on a sandwich in a hot oven
(not broiler) or like somebody else suggested, on the griddle with
steam under a lid.
Your paradigm for grilled cheese probably entails a gooiness that no
cheddar can attain.