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gregz gregz is offline
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Default Tomato sauce on mashed potatoes

Doug Freyburger > wrote:
> gregz wrote:
>> Perhaps putting ketchup on mashed potatoes is like putting ketchup on a hot
>> dog.

> Chuckle. When I first moved to Chicago metro I tried a Chicago hot dog.
> Hated it. Posted on chi.eats about the experience. Actually selling a
> boiled hot dog to a paying customer is crazy to me. The response was
> "You're not from around here, are you?" That's right. Just moved at
> the time. Ah well, I've since enjoyed a vast variety of excellent
> Chicago food. Just very few hot dogs. When I go to a hot dog place
> (other than Hot Dougs) I tend to get a burger. The local burgers are
> excellent (everywhere, but that does include Chicago).
> A joke based on my impression of Chicago dogs -
> Q - Why don't they offer ketchup for the hot dogs in Chicago?
> A - Because hot dogs taste better with ketchup.
> Tomato based flavoring goes well on meat. Witness meatballs and
> primavera sauce. Styles of chilli that use tomato. Seemingly half of
> all Mexican restaurant dishes. What's ketchup other than a low quality
> tomato condiment that had sugar added to make it appeal to small
> children? What's a hot dog but a low quality meat product designed to
> reduce the total amount of flavor to make them appeal to small
> children? Clearly what flavor hot dogs have is improved with ketchup.
> Improved more with mustard? Sure. But Chicago is a place that puts on
> hot dogs some stuff that looks like kryponite that tastes slightly sour
> and nasty. Clearly they won't have something that improves the flavor
> of their dogs. That might start to compete with the superior pizza or
> excellent "italian" beef or many other wonderful local foods. Foods
> other than their hot dogs that is ...

Somehow the first hot dog i ate ate as a child with ketchup I got sick,
probably threw up. I've never gone back.
