sf > wrote in
> On Sat, 3 Mar 2012 04:16:40 +0000 (UTC), "I'm back on the laptop"
> > wrote:
>> Took out a couple of pork loin chops, so I'm going to cube the meat
>> off the bone, ditch the rind, and make a small coconut chilli and
>> lemon myrtle 'curry'.... which is not really a curry, more a meat and
>> sauce thing.
> Are you winging this or do you have a recipe to follow (not saying
> you'll follow it to a T). If you do, would you please post the link?
Using a coconut chilli recipe, but adding the ground lemon myrtle as it's
been sitting in the pantry looking all forlorn from not being used.
I was going to chuck in some mango slices (tinned) as well, but I think
it's probably sweet enough.
I used this recipe (below) as a 'base'.. except I mortar and pestle all of
the 'big' stuff and mix the paste and the moosh together and fry it off,
then add some chicken stock to cook off the pork, so that the sauce reduces
down and then I add the coconut cream/milk. (Depending what I have in the
pantry, usually the cream). I also cut back on the red curry paste, and
added a bit of cayenne powder for that slow burn :-)
Lemon Myrtle are a 'dime a dozen' over here........
I have taken some pics.