boiling water with lid off?
On Saturday, March 3, 2012 10:23:18 AM UTC-5, Kalmia wrote:
> On Feb 29, 7:46*pm, marco > wrote:
> > the directions for brown rice:
> >
> > Bring water to a rolling boil
> > in "uncovered" container.
> > I think me, I I've seen these directions before
> > for frozen vegetables.
> >
> > uncovered? why?
> > it takes Longer to boil if uncovered
> >
> > marc
> I have often wondered at that instruction too. I want to get it
> boiling asap, so I prop the lid off a tiny bit by sticking a wooden
> chopstick into the pot and then listening for the sound of a roiling
> boil. I like to think I'm saving a cent or two on my power bill.
> Ha. Maybe not, but the time factor matters too.
You definitely save time. You would save a bit more time with the lid on tight, but not of you don't notice when boiling starts. You leave take the cover off for cooking once the water boils, but I prop it as you do until boiling resumes, then set it aside.
"I view the progress of science as being the slow erosion of the
tendency to dichotomize." Barbara Smuts, U. Mich.