Potassium chloride salt substitutes
Pennyaline wrote:
>What I don't understand is what you
> meant by the sodium you get while eating out. You never broached that
> part of it.
Restaurant food is widely held to be over salted. Whether it's "over"
salted or not is a matter of tastes but most restaurants in my
experience do salt heavily.
There's a pizza place that serves "no dough" pizza that is wheat free so
I can digest it. The crust is made out of a pressed sheet of sausage.
After the cheese and pepperoni is added those pizzas have epic amounts
of salt. That's only the saitiest example I can think of there are
plenty of others.
For people who eat many meals out it can be a given that they have
excess sodium compared to their needs. Same for people who salt their
foods before they taste them.
> Now, you conveniently edited out my question about your hypertension
> medications. So tell me, if not diuretics particularly, what are you taking?
I am not on any medication for blood pressure. But my posts are not
only aimed at myself so I do mention issues that others might have. In
the case of potassium too much can be fatal so it's important to
include a caveat.