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Default high pH and high TA dilemma ... sigh

I don't proclaim to be an expert winemaker BUT I don't see any
problems with what you got. I'd give it some time and let the
bitterness fade away amd trust me, it will. If your in a hurry then
cold stabilize but I think your ok . If you want, take 1 gallon and
cold stabilize it and see what you think. IMO, taste is everything so
go by that. You'll be surprised to see how accurate your taste
instincts are.


(glad heart) wrote in message . com>...
> Several of my reds have pH's around 3.5 or so and TA's from 6.5 to
> 7.5g/l. They are 10 months old and have not yet been cold stabilized.
> Tastes are tart but OK with the exception of the amarone (TA 7.5)
> which is tart like a lemon. I'd like to reduce both TA and pH in all
> of these reds.
> Should I just cold stabilize or reduce acids with KHCO3 for example
> and then cold stab?
> Also, different sources suggest different ideal TA's for finished dry
> reds. Pambianchi on page 83 suggests 4.0-5.5g/l. Don Buchan's
> excellent FAQ site suggests 6.5g/l. I
> know taste is the ultimate authority but what should I be aiming for
> here?
> How does one reduce both TA and pH simultaneously?