cold or warm [homemade] Cheesecake?
On Monday, March 5, 2012 1:02:37 PM UTC-8, Judy Haffner wrote:
> Marc wrote:
> >I use cream cheese, usually nonfat,
> >but I've been wanting to try Ricotta.
> >Room temperature is ok, if need be,
> >better than cold out of the frig [for me],
> > but I still prefer warm out of the oven.
> > Bread, the same.
> I've never heard of eating warm cheesecake, as every recipe I've ever
> seen, suggests making it and letting it chill for several hours, or
> overnight before cutting, and I always have made it the day before and
> refrigerated. Never used spice in mine, unless maybe when I made a
> pumpkin cheesecake?
> I alway use cream cheese in mine.
> Judy
I can't wait till the next day,
for freshly cooked anything.
It smells pretty good out of the oven.
And I'm probably a bit of a scientist,
in the kitchen.