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Jeßus[_14_] Jeßus[_14_] is offline
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Default I was told not to purchase fish from China

On Tue, 06 Mar 2012 22:44:02 -0500, "Jean B." > wrote:

>Jeßus wrote:
>> On Sun, 04 Mar 2012 23:17:12 -0500, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>> Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 04/03/2012 2:43 PM, Jeßus wrote:
>>>>> Aside from general pollution concerns, when you have fake plastic rice
>>>>> and eggs, melamine adulterated milk, bleached mushrooms, bean sprouts
>>>>> grown with antibiotics, etc. all coming from the one place... well,
>>>>> I'd rather just steer clear of any foods from there.
>>>> I had a talk with the produce manager are our local grocery store and
>>>> expressed my concerns about the increasing amount of Chinese produce
>>>> they were stalking. His answer was that the Chinese have to eat too.I
>>>> told him that I would not buy produce from China, and that if I had to
>>>> go to a different store to get non-Chinese produce I would be getting
>>>> all my groceries there.
>>> Sounds like a good thing to voice. I think it is crazy to become
>>> more and more dependent on other countries for food--especially
>>> basics, and especially China. Also, how about foods that may
>>> emanate from the area affected by Chernobyl, etc., etc.?

>> Agreed, more people need to vote with their wallets and buy locally
>> produced food from local businesses.
>> That's what I do these days. Not doing this can only perpetuate the
>> current trends. I know it gets hard for those on limited incomes to
>> resist lower prices, but I often wonder just how hard they are really
>> trying (not all of course).
>> It's insane how product is shipped overseas, then comes back again to
>> the state or country or origin. Not to mention the loss of local
>> employment and infrastructure.

>Yup. As I think I have said before, I am shopping at smaller and
>smaller farms, trying to help keep them afloat. Last year, I was
>giving as much business as possible to a tiny ramshackle place
>that actually grew much of its own fruit. It was soooo good. I
>am a bit afraid he may have finally sold out to a developer, but
>it is hard to tell, because his stand is in such a state of disrepair.
>There was another tiny place up the road with a very eccentric and
>interesting character who did the farming and would show up in the
>shop. He had lovely currants, which he grew. I think he died, or
>suffered some catastrophe, because he seems to be gone.

Shame, I love eccentrics. I probably qualify as one myself
It's far more satisfying buying that way, and you're more likely to
get fruit picked at its optimum rather than when it will transport
best. Or get a better tasting variety of fruit, not one bred for
longevity after being picked