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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Craving cashews...answer?

"W. Baker" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove > wrote:
> : I did a search on this and one site said it meant you were low in
> magnesium.
> : I was low in that before. At that time I was craving tabbouli. And
> that
> : does sound good too but there is only one store around here that makes
> the
> : good stuff and we are not going there. I have tried to make it myself
> and I
> : don't really like it so much when I make it.
> : I am going to the health food store soon. I should have kept those bone
> : pills that I had for Angela. I need to get some more of those and some
> : popcorn. So I will see if they have magnesium.
> Sometmes we get cravings fo rfood just becuse we get cravings and for no
> complicated reason. Sometimes I getcravigns for danish pastry or fancy
> chocolates or baked otatoes or french fries or, expeciall potato chips.
> You may not like them bt they can occsionally drive me mad with desire. I
> don't figure it is some lack in my diet, just a craving.

Well that could be for you. When I get a craving there is always a reason
behind it. I guess one exception could be when people bring McDonald's food
into the dance studio. It smells good and if I see people eating the fries
it does make me want them but that is different than a craving. A craving
to me is a totally different level. It is something I simply HAVE to have!
I know that I don't really like McDonald's food and it doesn't taste good so
I would never go over and get any. Sometimes I do want French fries. Or
biscuits and gravy. But that's merely a want. It's not a deep craving.
> Except for fish oil, I take no supplements at all, unless you call
> prescribed vitamin D and calcium for bone health as supplements. I no
> longer take Fosemax, a prescribed drug, as my blood test ndicated that i
> might be usbject to fracture of the jaw were I to ontinue the
> fosemax(generic), so I am on the calcium citrate adn vitamin D3, but no
> other supplements adn I don't keep looking for more to take.

I take TONS of supplements and I seem to need them all. Every time I try to
stop taking one, the problem for which I took it crops up again. It could
be because I have gastroparesis and because I don't digest my food well I am
not getting all the nutrients out of it. I don't know. I did quit taking
cayenne because it seemed to be giving me heartburn. But then I read today
that it will do that for the first week. You just have to tough it out and
then it won't do that any more. It's supposed to help with weight loss and
inflammation. I also quit taking Ginkgo Biloba because it seemed to do
nothing. And I quit taking Saw Palmetto. It was supposed to help with
thinning hair. It didn't.

Taking supplements just seems like a normal thing for me because my mom
always took a ton of them and still does. She puts hers in old Nyquil cups.
Where she ever got that many of them, I will never know! She does up two
weeks of them at a time for herself and another two weeks for my dad,
although his are more prescription meds than supplements. I do not
personally believe this is a good way to do things. For one thing, those
open tops are just an accident waiting to happen. For another, I do not
think it is a good idea to leave the pills exposed to the air.

I find that the supplements really do help me. Already I have lost 5 pounds
by adding CLA back into my diet. And it is weight from around my middle
because my pants are looser. Black Cohosh allows me to leave the house.
Without it, my periods were so heavy that my mom was begging me to get a
hysterectomy. I am rather anti-surgery unless there is no other choice. I
am far less fond of prescription meds but I do like the herbs and
supplements. This is not something I take lightly. I do my research before
I take things.