Gary > wrote in :
> I'm back on the laptop wrote:
>> **** off mcqown...... this is an unmoderated group, and the rest of
>> us don't need your pathetic opinion on who should post what, and how.
>> Go back to trying to beg a handout out of the RFC people.
> There you go again, Peter, being all mean and stuff to Jill. WTH is
> your problem? You should answer anyone and be polite. Did you have
> mean parents that taught you wrong? Did a kangaroo kick you in the
> nads and ruin your sex life?
> Gary
I *give* what I get. Something I have told the morons on here time, and
time, and time again. Be nice to me, I be nice to you. Be nasty, I be nasty
back.... just 10 times worse.
Mcqueenie wanted to join the 'dog pack' and attack so that at least *they*
will like her, she's just getting back what she gives out.
And she will continue to get it, till I get bored with her fat flabby ass.
(A figure of speech... to all the homo erotic dreamers out there... spurts,
twit, et al)