MSG (reprise)
On Wed, 14 Mar 2012 09:19:08 -0500, Bull > wrote:
>In article >,
> George M. Middius > wrote:
>> I want to thank the poster (I forget who) suggested MSG as a sub for
>> salt. I've used it a few times now and it does work as predicted. Plus
>> it helps lower sodium intake because, also as suggested, it can be
>> applied sparingly. I've put it in steamed veggies and home fries and
>> rice.
>Most fresh and well prepared food needs little to zero salt and NO MSG.
>You will get way more of your needed dose of salt if you never add salt
>to anything. MSG isn't going to improve anything. Taste test same
>recipe with and without MSG and you won't know the difference.
That proves you have your taster in your ass.