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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Posts: 3,415
Default RIP Food Processor.

Michael OConnor wrote:
>> Just don't expect the same durability from the new one as you got from the
>> one that was made 37 years ago. Do you recall what you paid for it in 1975?

> I remember around 1975 I got a new clock radio for my birthday, used
> it daily and it lasted over ten years, and when it died the one I
> replaced it with was good for about ten years. Nowadays if I buy a
> clock radio I'm lucky if I get two years out of it before it stops
> working, and after a year or so of use I buy a new clock radio and
> keep it unopened and sitting in the closet just so I don't have to
> scramble to pick up a new one when my current one craps out.
> VCR's were the same way in the 80's; they were good for daily use for
> 7-10 years, but by the late 90's they lasted maybe two years before
> they needed replaced.

Long ago I observed that refrigerators made in 1950 seemed to last 50
years, ones made in 1960 seemed to last 40 years, 1970 30 and so on. Of
course there was going to be a fridge appocolypse in the year 2000!
Screw that computer stuff every fridge in the country would fail
together. Sounded fun on the surface anyways but of course that curve
didn't continue in the last decade of it. In 2000 a new fridge could
still be expected to last a decade not a week.