Chow Mein
On Mar 16, 12:53*am, Bob Terwilliger >
> Julie Bove wrote:
> >>> I think serving chili over rice is odd too. *Or adding macaroni to chili.
> >> What a strange, strange, sheltered life you must lead.
> > No. *I just think those things are overkill on the carbs. *And they are not
> > commonly eaten here in the PNW. *I think they are more of a midwest thing.
> Do you consider Oregon part of the PNW? I saw chili with rice and chili
> with macaroni countless times when I lived in Corvallis.
> There's also a difference between thinking something is "odd" and
> thinking it's "overkill on the carbs." You're more than old enough to
> remember when carbs were not considered evil.
While chili may contain complex carbs in the form of beans, it doesn't
contain simple starches like rice does.
I have had carb overkill -- a vegetarian Indian fellow invited my wife
and me over for what turned out to be (mostly) potato curry -- over
rice naturally.