Chow Mein
Julie Bove wrote:
>> Do you consider Oregon part of the PNW? I saw chili with rice and chili
>> with macaroni countless times when I lived in Corvallis.
> Really? At a restaurant? I've never seen it.
You might never have *noticed* it, but I'd bet that well over half the
chili-serving restaurants in Washington offer one of those options. Many
of them might also offer the additional options of cornbread or tortillas.
>> There's also a difference between thinking something is "odd" and thinking
>> it's "overkill on the carbs." You're more than old enough to remember when
>> carbs were not considered evil.
> I'm diabetic so they are evil to me. And actually I am old enough to
> remember that they were in fact evil in the 1950's. Ever seen a diet book
> from then? It is the carbs that they cut. I grew up being told that bread
> was fattening.
Once again, "evil" is not the same thing as "odd." Serving chili over
shredded lettuce (as Jacques Pepin does) is odd, since it's uncommon.
Serving chili over macaroni or rice is *common*, which makes it not-odd.