On 2012-03-14, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> American Chinese restaurant food is nothing like what's served in
> Chinese Chinese restaurants
Having never traveled to China, I cannot comment, but this is what I
ate at every US Chinese resto I ever dined at from the 50s to the 70s.
......the diff being there was always meat,
I never even heard of pan-fried noodles till I met my FIL in '78 and
he ordered take-out, specifically requesting "pan-fried noodles",
which I assumed was an option I was unfamiliar with. I've never liked
it. Since that time, I've never found anything but in hundreds of
Chinese restos, with one exception:
Visalia is about 150 mi SE of SFBA and is mostly Mexican. This resto
is the only place I know of in CA that still serves this so-called
Catonese-style chow mein. Even Chinese restos in Sacramento and
Modesto that still exist (Frank Fats, Minnies) and once served this
style as late as the early 70s no longer do. I suspect the reasons
are all profit driven, fresh bean sprouts costing much more than cheap
greasy noodles.
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